Business Coaching

Business Coaching

I specialize in provide business and general coaching for therapists and other helping professionals. I approach Business Coaching in a unique, holistic manner. I know the importance of exploring not only business skill building, but also the psychology and underlying belief patterns that may be getting in the way of my clients achieving business success. I like to refer to my Business Coaching as “Business Out-Side the Box” Coaching because it incorporates psychology, spirituality, personal development, and skill building all into one coaching approach. Here is more info on my Business Coaching Specialties.

Business Coaching for Therapists:

As a mental health provider do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, unsure, and even fearful that you might be doing the money and business parts of your practice wrong? Do you sometimes feel embarrassed or even some shame about your struggles figuring out insurance billing, collecting money from clients, and understanding accounting and taxes?  You are not alone, most therapists feel or have felt the same way.

It is not your fault! None of us learned business skills when we were in graduate school to become therapists.  Much of what therapists learn is by trial and error or through word of mouth from other therapists, which is its own brand of “trial and error”.

My background as a CPA, private practice owner, and group practice owner provides unique experience to help other therapists to build or improve their financial foundation and skills. I am passionate about helping therapists reduce shame around money and finances and increase their financial self-care, skills, and empowerment with money.

If you are a therapist and would like to set up a private business coaching session, please reach out today!

I am also holding periodic In-Person business trainings in Bozeman, MT for therapists. Please see my Workshops & Retreats page to get more info.

Business Coaching for Helping Professionals:

Helping professionals include anyone who works with people in a helping capacity. You could be a massage therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, naturopath, medical doctor, acupuncturist, nurse, physical therapist, art therapist, the list is endless. I love our helping professionals and all they do for our community and our health and wellness!

Like psychotherapists and counselors, many helping professionals do not receive business training during their schooling and training. Many helpers are left feeling confused, unprepared, and lost when it comes to setting up their businesses, managing money, hiring their team, and running the day-to-day operations while also seeing their clients and patients. Does any of this ring true for you as a Helping Professional?

If so, I can help! My experience running a solo private practice as well as a thriving group counseling practice, along with my years as a CPA and business owner, can be of help to you.

Gain confidence in running your business and get the help you need so that you can do what you do best, helping your clients! I would love for you to reach out for a consultation to learn more about my Business Coaching.